Our firm offers a wide range of services to our individual and business clients. Because our firm is relatively small, our clients benefit by getting personalized, quality service that is beyond comparison.
Below we have listed the services that we offer to our clients along with a brief description. As the list below is by no means all-inclusive, please feel free to inquire about a service if you do not see it listed. If it is not a service we provide, we would be more than happy to refer you to a qualified professional.

Hoelting & Co, Inc Services
Additional Services
Due to our diverse client base, we encounter a wide array of financial and tax issues. As a result, we have gained valuable experience over the years in numerous specialized areas, many of which are listed below.
We feel our ability to provide such a variety of services reflects our versatility and competency, as well as our dedication to quality client service.
- Mergers & acquisitions
- Asset protection
- Investment review
- Bankruptcies
- Litigation support
- Cash flow forecasting
- Employee benefit plans
- Expert witness services
- Internet commerce